Symbian VS Android, top free and paid apps comparison by AAS!!!

Very significant and objective comparison done by Steve Litchfield from these two articles he picked top apps from official Android store “Android Market” and tried to find close match in Nokia store in terms of functionality.The comparison was done for top 30 apps in both paid and free category.

Now let us read Steve’s conclusion regarding paid apps,

“Somewhat surprisingly, despite the alleged ‘app deficit’ in the Symbian world, I’d argue that from the broad functionality of the top 20 commercial Android apps, there are only two real omissions on the Symbian side – lacking a deluxe PDF viewer and a good painting application. Both are somewhat niche uses, mind you.

And one thing that struck me while compiling the list above – in numerous cases, the Android ecosystem was requiring a commercial application to do what Symbian has for free. Granted, the commercially developed third party tool on Android is usually slicker and more fully functioned, but in many cases (e.g. the ‘Backup’ utilities) these border on insanely complicated, at least for the average smartphone user.

I contend that there’s nothing in the table above that would override other purchasing factors and steer anyone towards one platform and not the other. Not for commercial apps, at least.”

In case of free apps the conclusion is not different,

In summary, it’s not all doom and gloom in the Symbian application ecosystem – 80% of the things that even geeks might want to do with smartphones are catered for to some extent. Whether the missing 20% is important to you will be a personal decision – there are no showstoppers for me (e.g. I’ve bought Gravity for handling both Twitter and Facebook), but it’s understandable if something’s missing for you. Or perhaps you want an extra sparkle in terms of eye candy or performance?”

It is interesting to note that how tech media makes ridiculous comments regarding apps unavailability for Symbian in nearly all the symbian phone reviews.The store apps number and quality is also getting enhanced with every passing day.Today only we have shared how the daily downloads from the Nokia store have exceeded 11 millions.That is huge and shows that how Symbian is still a significant force and love it or hate it still packs punch.

About Kamal

Blogging is my major hobby. Huge Nokia fan and have been using mostly Nokia phones since my first one. Hope you have a great reading time on this blog!! Be in touch @nokiapoweruser on Twitter.


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